The operating temperature range of NYCO GREASE GN 25013 is quite extensive, from -73°C to +232°C, making it an excellent choice for environments experiencing extreme temperatures. The product has received various approvals and is recommended by major airframers and OEMs, including Airbus. It’s known for its high load carrying capabilities, outstanding resistance to water washout, and excellent protection against corrosion even in the presence of salt water.
NYCO GREASE GN 25013 is available in different packaging options to suit various needs and is approved by notable standards such as MIL-G-25013 E, NATO CODE G-372, and XG-300, and Airbus CML ref. 03JDA1.
Available on backorder
NYCO GREASE GN 25013 is a high-performance, NLGI 2 grade silicone-based grease, designed for a wide range of aeronautical applications. This grease is thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), also known as Teflon, and is further enhanced with anti-corrosion and antioxidant additives. It stands out due to its compatibility with most elastomers, including EPDM, and is especially suited for parts operated by low-power motors due to its very low torque characteristic.
This grease is ideal for multipurpose airframe use, such as in doors, flaps, slaps, and landing gear of aircraft and helicopters. It’s also well-suited for ball and roller bearings that require particularly low torque at low temperatures, and for screw actuators in aircraft. Additionally, it serves as an anti-seize, assembly, and dismantling grease for tie bolts and nuts of wheels.
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